Cap! Blog Shatters View Record

Runic Films, a Los Angeles based independent film production house, is pleased to announce that May 2011 set an all-time record for its blog Captain America! Redefining Modern Myth featuring in-depth conversation by filmmaker Ben Alpi and comic artist Rick Arthur.


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Based on the number of page views, the growth of the Cap blog not just set single month page view total records but also was predicted to easily be three times the number from two months ago. Interest in a coming Captain America film from Marvel as well as strong word of mouth has helped create a fast growing blog.


“It is a little scary how rapidly this has expanded,” said Arthur. “We expected a drop off after our initial opening in February. This current growth has been so fantastic that Ben and I are heartened by the fact that we now reach readers in more than fifteen countries. It is humbling.”


Strong posts on a variety of topics including the recent THOR movie, Red Skull, screenwriting, patriotism, and Steve Rogers as a boy have all contributed to extremely positive reader reaction. The blog was designed to explore and discuss the idea of creating Captain America as a character for film from the perspective of Ben Alpi, filmmaker and Rick Arthur, comic artist.


Runic Films schedules new posts three times each week and can be accessed either on the blog site, on the Facebook companion page or Twitter. Do not miss a post and find out what a Cap movie character could be all about.


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