Cap! Blog Announces Red Skull 5-Parter

The blog between filmmaker Ben Alpi and cartoonist Rick Arthur announces that yet again records have been broken for June. The final figures won’t be in until July 1st yet personal records for Captain America! Redefining Modern Myth are already apparent.
“I am astounded by the response from readers,” said Arthur.
Records include:
1) Best Single Day Page Views – June 8th;
2) Highest Monthly Page Views – June (whopping 40% increase over May);
3) Highest Single Post – THOR movie review has more than doubled the post average and is 80+ views higher than the next most popular post.
“4th of July is almost here!” commented Alpi. Runic Films has helped plan a very patriotic Cap-style Independence Day for our readers. “Why wasn’t Cap released on the 1st of July?” The later date is too far away…
A powerful 5-Part Cap vs. Red Skull post series is being worked on to give readers an exclusive look at the loose draft of the final battle between our hero and one of the most evil villains of all time!! Don’t miss it!! Starts July 6th.
After the Captain America: First Avenger movie comes out, look for an exclusive double feature film review by Alpi and Arthur. “This will be done in the same double blind style as both THOR and X-Men: First Class” Noted Arthur. Alpi, writing from the west coast will have no knowledge of what Arthur is thinking on the east coast. See the review for the first time on Monday, July 25th!!
Captain America! Redefining Modern Myth can be read at: