Captain America! Myth Discussion Launches
LOS ANGELES, Friday, February 4th, 2011 marked the official debut of the blog entitled ‘Captain America! Redefining Modern Myth’ which is sponsored by Los Angeles-based Runic Films. First day visitors were impressed by the scope of the project and the detail involved. Favorite sections included an original script for a teaser and posts named “THERE IS NO TEA!,” “I must enlist, sir” and “Depression Era Imagination” among others.
The blog features discussion, opinion and sample scenes from filmmaker Ben Alpi and writer/artist Rick Arthur who spent over three years trading in-depth emails about how they would portray Captain America, the classic WWII Simon/Kirby character, in a modern feature film. Arthur stated that the exchanges are “…actual, raw emails so readers can expect an open, candid and often funny conversation between two friends… It’s unique.” Their results can now be viewed at:
“There was something about the ‘post 9/11’ times we’re living in that made us really want to see Cap on the big screen. Rick and I had been chatting about it which inspired me to write an original teaser for a film adaptation. That lit the fire,” Alpi said. ‘Captain America! Redefining Modern Myth’ explores the hero’s origins, motivations and relationships by digging deeply into the foundation of his myth even though the pair never expected their lengthy private conversation to be made public. “When I looked at the wealth of excellent content, I suggested to Rick we release it to the world,” Alpi explains.
“It’s really a lot of fun and we really look forward to opening it up to other fans and storytellers,” Arthur added. When asked about a possible target audience, Arthur commented that the blog would appeal to filmmakers, screenwriters, writers, comic book readers, history buffs and anyone interested in myth and the art of storytelling. ‘Captain America! Redefining Modern Myth’ will keep a brisk schedule with many month’s worth of entries already compiled. Runic Films confirmed that initial plans indicated a summer completion although “special” editions are already in the discussion.
Arthur added, “Response has been overwhelmingly favorable. I can’t wait to hear what people think as we continue the blog.”
Read and discuss the blog now at Sponsored by Runic Films, a production and entertainment company developing original properties for film, television and the Web. Located in Los Angeles, Calif.