Family Friendly ‘eScape’ Web Series Complete First Season Now Online
LOS ANGELES, Created by Mike Feurstein of New York-based MovieQuest Productions and co-produced by Runic Films, the first season of eScape, the family friendly adventure web series, is now online. eScape tells the story of a group of summer campers seemingly abandoned by their counselors. As the story unfolds, they soon discover they are trapped within a video game that grants them amazing abilities. While in the real world, this game is the object of a power struggle between Fantaro Games and Zavon Enterprises, two powerful corporations.
The first season of “eScape” premiered August 6th exclusively on its Web site, featuring a live red-carpet broadcast with the cast. The preceding five episodes of the first season were released each Friday until culminating in the double-length season finale on Friday, September 10th.
“Reaction has been great. Both parents and kids are loving the series,” said executive producer Mike Feurstein. “I can’t wait to hear more from people now that the complete first season is online.”
During a summer busy with production, the Runic team has promoted “eScape” at the San Diego Comic-Con, Atlanta Dragon*Con and Syracuse AnimeCon. “Commenting on the reaction to the series, Runic Films producer “Ben Alpi” said, “Parents were actually thanking “me” when I told them “eScape” is a kid’s web series.”They were really excited to hear about something online for their kids to enjoy. A daycare provider said that she was often on the search for new and different things to share with her kids and was glad to learn about our show.”
“eScape” began as a educational project for former student’s of Feurstein’s as well as an opportunity for him to work with his professional actor colleagues. He endeavored to create an instructional set where the grade-school level students could learn about the many roles behind-the-scenes as well as on camera. Now brought to the Web, the series is one of the few appropriate for the whole family currently available online.
Feurstein added, “I’m glad we could create online content that parents can feel safe letting their kids watch.? When I was young I had lots of shows I was excited to watch week after week.? I want kids to be able to run home after school and watch “eScape“.
Runic Films is a production and entertainment company developing original properties for Web, film and television. Now located in Los Angeles, Runic was founded by two brothers in New York, and has grown to a staff of award-winning writers, directors, artists and technicians. Dedicated to upholding the rich traditions of storytelling, Runic Films harnesses cutting-edge technology and visual effects to create amazing worlds for dramatic tales grounded in humanity.
Based in historic Schenectady, N.Y., MovieQuest Productions is a motion picture production company dedicated to offering young people educational opportunities to create quality films.