Writer-Producer Jody Wheeler Joins Runic Films!

Jody WheelerLOS ANGELES, Runic Films is proud to announce screenwriter and producer Jody Wheeler has joined our team! Currently a producer of Blue Seraph’s feature film Judas Kiss, Jody is a former therapist and social worker. As a writer, his 2010 sci-fi action film Heat Wave debuted on film and television on Syfy Channel.


“Jody was crucial in helping us produce the first season of eScape last year and I’m excited to have his energy and experience back to help develop this year’s slate,” said Ben Alpi, co-executive producer of the family-friendly series.


As a director, his short In the Closet which played film festivals worldwide, was nominated for the prestigious IRIS Award in 2009. Jody is a teacher of film and writing at UCLA, The Columbia College of Film and Television, and the FLS Institute at Marymount College.


Jody added, “I’m excited to join up with this marvelous group of emerging talents. I’m looking forward to creating some unique, thoughtful and compelling visions.”

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